Saturday, November 26, 2011

Graphic Novels Project Update

So... I have some good news!

I would have posted this yesterday, but I was a good kid and actually updated the blog then. And who wants two entries from me on the same day? No one, that's who. But I'm happy to report ::drumroll please:: There's is finally a title, ISBN, and release date for the graphic novel encyclopedia I spent a good portion of my life writing! Remember me complaining? Yay!!

<--- is one possible cover for it.

Critical Survey of Graphic Novels: HEROES & SUPERHEROES (978-1-58765-865-5) is the name and it retails for a whooping $295.00. You may not want to buy this one yourself, kids. But do encourage your local library to buy it, especially if it's an academic library with an art program. The release date says April, but many list it as 3/25/12.

I'm glad it's finally seeing the light of day.

I wrote the following articles for it: Buffy the Vampire Slayer (Season 8) series, Runaways series, Green Lantern: Secret Origin, & Wonder Woman: The Circle. I didn't receive any editorial feedback, so hopefully most of the stuff I wrote was okay. The individual DC stories were a little better, since I had more time to write 'em and they were written one at a time. I did Buffy and Runaways at the same time in the first round of submissions. That was less fun.

But I'm excited! It looks like it's two volumes now instead of three, and I think online access comes with purchase of the print editions. It is available through Baker & Taylor (you know I checked), so there's really no excuse why every single library in the world shouldn't own this. It's a no brainer. D'uh!

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